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Anglo-Saxon Chronicles Versions Compared

Covering Vortigern-Arthur 430-540

Trans This year Patricius [more likely Palladius] was sent from Pope Celestinus [Celestine] [422-432] to preach baptism to the Scots.
A Her Paladius se biscep wæs onsended to Scottum þæt he hiera geleafan trymede from Cęlestino þam papan.  
B Her Palladius se bisceop wæs onsended to Scottum, þæt he heora geleafan getrymede, fram Calestino þam papan.
C Her Palladius se bisceop wæs onsended to Scottum, þæt he heora geleafan getrymede, fram Calestino þam papan.
D missing
E Her Patricius wæs asend fram Celestine þam papan to bodianne Scottum fulluht.
H missing
Trans This year sent the Britons over sea to Rome, and begged assistance against the Picts; but they had none, for the Romans were at war with Atila, king of the Huns [active 434-453 AD]. Then sent they to the Angles, and requested the same from the nobles of that nation.
A  Her sendon Brytwalas to Rome heom fultomes bædon wiþ Piohtas, ac hi þar næfdan nanne, forþan ðe hi fyrdedon wið Ætla Huna cyningæ, þa sendon hi to Anglum Angelcynnes æðelingas ðæs ylcan bædan.
B missing
C missing
D missing
E Her sendon Brytwalas ofer sæ to Rome heom fultumes bædon wið Peohtas, ac hi þær nefdon nænne, forþan ðe hi feordodan wið Ætlan Huna cininge, þa sendon hi to Anglum Angelcynnes æðelingas þes ilcan bædon.
H missing
449 Nennius have 447, Gildas derived 447 from Aetis consulship, Bebe has 449, Chronica Gallica of 452 has 441
Trans This year Marcian [reign 450; died Jan 457] and Valentinian [Valentinian_III reign 425; died March 445] assumed the empire, and reigned seven winters. In their days Hengest and Horsa, invited by Wurtgern [Vortigern], king of the Britons to his assistance, landed in Britain in a place that is called Ipwinesfleet; first of all to support the Britons, but they afterwards fought against them. The king directed them to fight against the Picts; and they did so; and obtained the victory wheresoever they came. They then sent to the Angles, and desired them to send more assistance. They described the worthlessness of the Britons, and the richness of the land. They then sent them greater support. Then came the men from three powers of Germany; the Old Saxons, the Angles, and the Jutes. From the Jutes are descended the men of Kent, the Wightwarians (that is, the tribe that now dwelleth in the Isle of Wight), and that kindred in Wessex that men yet call the kindred of the Jutes. From the Old Saxons came the people of Essex and Sussex and Wessex. From Anglia, which has ever since remained waste between the Jutes and the Saxons, came the East Angles, the Middle Angles, the Mercians, and all of those north of the Humber. Their leaders were two brothers, Hengest and Horsa; who were the sons of Wihtgils; Wihtgils was the son of Witta, Witta of Wecta, Wecta of Woden. From this Woden arose all our royal kindred, and that of the Southumbrians also.
A Her Mauricius Ualentines onfengon rice ricsodon .vii. winter. On hiera dagum Hengest Horsa from Wyrtgeorne geleaþade Bretta kyninge gesohton Bretene on þam staþe þe is genemned Ypwinesfleot, ærest Brettum to fultume, ac hie eft on hie fuhton. hand8: Se cing het hi feohtan agien Pihtas, hi swa dydan sige hæfdan swa hwar swa hi comon. Hi ða sende to Angle heton heom sendan mare fultum heom seggan Brytwalana nahtnesse ðæs landes cysta. Hy ða sendan heom mare fultum. Þa comon þa menn of þrim mægþum Germanie, of Ealdseaxum, of Anglum, of Iotum. Of Iotum comon Cantware Wihtware, þæt ys seo mæið ðe nu eardað on Wiht, ðæt cynn on Westsexum þe man gyt hæt Iutna cyn. Of Ealdseaxon comon Eastsexa Suðsexa WestSexan. Of Angle comon, se a siððan stod westi betwyx Iutum Seaxum, Eastengla, Midelangla, Mearca ealle Norðhymbra.
B Her Mauricius Ualentinus onfengon rice rixodan .vii. winter. On heora dagum Hengest Horsa fram Wyrtgeorne gelaþode, Brytta kyninge, gesohton Brytene on ðam stede þe is nemned Hypwinesfleot, ærest Bryttum to fultume, ah hie eft on hie fuhton.
C Her Mauricius Ualentinus onfengon rice rixodan .vii. gear. On heora dagum Hengest Horsa fram Wyrtgeorne gelaþode, Brytta kyninge, gesohtan Brytene on þam stede þe is genemned Hypwinesfleot, ærest Bryttum to fultume, ac hy eft on hy fuhton.
D missing
E Huius tempore celebratur Calcedonense concilium .dcxxx. episcoporum aduersus Euticem abbatem et Dioscorum. Her Martianus Ualentinus onfengon rice rixadon .vii. winter; on þeora dagum gelaðode Wyrtgeorn Angelcin hider, hi þa coman on þrim ceolum hider to Brytene on þam stede Heopwines fleot. Se cyning Wyrtgeorn gef heom land on suðaneastan ðissum lande wið ðan þe hi sceoldon feohton wið Pyhtas. Heo þa fuhton wið Pyhtas heofdon sige swa hwer swa heo comon. Hy ða sendon to Angle, heton sendon mara fultum heton heom secgan Brytwalana nahtscipe þes landes cysta. Hy ða sona sendon hider mare weored þam oðrum to fultume. Ða comon þa men of þrim megðum Germanie: of Aldseaxum, of Anglum, of Iotum. Of Iotum comon Cantwara Wihtwara, þet is seo megð þe nu eardaþ on Wiht, þet cyn on Westsexum þe man nu git hæt Iutnacynn. Of Ealdseaxum coman Eastseaxa Suðsexa Westsexa. Of Angle comon, se a syððan stod westig betwix Iutum Seaxum, Eastangla, Middelangla, Mearca ealla Norþhymbra. Heora heretogan wæron twegen gebroðra Hengest Horsa, þet wæron Wihtgilses suna. Wihtgils wæs Witting (Witting), Witta Wecting, Wecta Wodning; fram þan Wodne awoc eall ure cynecynn Suðanhymbra eac.
H missing
455 Gildas, on the Ruin and Conquest of Britain 23: "They first landed on the eastern side of the island, by the invitation of the unlucky king, and there fixed their sharp talons, apparently to fight in favor of the island, but alas! more truly against it. Their motherland, finding her first brood thus successful, sends forth a larger company of her wolfish offspring, which sailing over, join themselves to their bastard-born comrades. From that time the germ of iniquity and the root of contention planted their poison amongst us, as we deserved, and shot forth into leaves and branches. The barbarians being thus introduced as soldiers into the island, to encounter, as they falsely said, any dangers in defense of their hospitable entertainers, obtain an allowance of provisions, which, for some time being plentifully bestowed, stopped their doggish mouths. Yet they complain that their monthly supplies are not furnished in sufficient abundance, and they industriously aggravate each occasion of quarrel, saying that unless more liberality is shown them, they will break the treaty and plunder the whole island. In a short time, they follow up their threats with deeds. Resulting in this first skirmish"
Trans This year Hengest and Horsa fought with Wurtgern [Vortigern] the king on the spot that is called Aylesford [Aylesford 4 miles NW of Maidstone, Kent.]. His brother Horsa being there slain, Hengest afterwards took to the kingdom with his son Esc [reign 488-516 Gesta Regum Anglorum) Book I.8].
A Her Hengest Horsa fuhton wiþ Wyrtgeorne þam cyninge, in þære stowe þe is gecueden Agęlesþrep, his broþur Horsan man ofslog; æfter þam Hengest feng to rice Æsc his sunu.
B Her Hengest Horsa gefuhton wiþ Wyrtgeorne ðæm kyninge on þære stowe þe is gecweden Æglesþrep, his broðor Horsan man þær ofsloh, æfter þæm feng to rice Hengest Æsc his sunu.
C Her Hengest Horsa gefuhtan wið Wyrtgeorne þam kyninge on þære stowe þe is gecweden Æglesþrep, his broðor Horsan man þær ofsloh, æfter þam feng Hengest to rice Æsc his sunu.
D missing
E Her Hengest Horsa fuhton wið Wyrtgerne þam cininge on þære stowe þe is cweden Ægelesþrep, his broðor Horsan man ofsloh; æfter þonn feng to rice Hengest Æsc his sunu.
H missing
Trans This year Hengest and Esc fought with the Britons on the spot that is called Crayford [South East London], and there slew four thousand men. The Britons then forsook the land of Kent, and in great consternation fled to London.
A Her Hengest Æsc fuhton wiþ Brettas in þære stowe þe is gecueden Crecganford þær ofslogon .iiiim. wera, þa Brettas þa forleton Centlond mid micle ege flugon to Lundenbyrg.
B Her Hengest Æsc his sunu fuhton wiþ Bryttas on þære stowe þe is gecweden Creacanford þær ofslogan .iiiim. wera, þa Bryttas þa forletan Kentland mid myclum ege flugan to Lundenbyrig.
C 456 Her Hengest Æsc his sunu fuhton wið Bryttas on þære stowe þe is gecweden Creacanford þær ofslogan .iiii. wera, þa Bryttas þa forletan Kentland mid myclum ege flugon to Lundenbyrig.
D missing
E Her Hengest Æsc gefuhton wið Bryttas on þere stow þe is gecweden Crecganford þer ofslogon .iiii. werad, þa Bryttas forleton þa Kentland mid mycclum ege flugon to Lundenbyrig.
H missing
Trans This year Hengest and Esc fought with the Welsh, nigh Wippedfleet [Ebbsfleet in Kent, near Ramsgate]; and there slew twelve leaders, all Welsh. On their side a thane was there slain, whose name was Wipped.
A Her Hengest Æsc gefuhton uuiþ Walas neah Wippedesfleote þær .xii. wilisce aldormenn ofslogon, hiera þegn an þær wearþ ofslægen, þam wæs noma Wipped.
B 461 Her Hengest Æsc gefuhton wiþ Wealas neah Wippedesfleote þær ofslogan .xii. Wylisce ealdormen, heora ðær wearð an ofslegen, þam wæs nama Wipped.
C 461 Her Hengest Æsc gefuhton wið Wealas neah Wippedesfleote þær ofslogan .xii. Wylisce ealdormen, heora þær wearð an ofslegen, þam wæs nama Wipped.
D missing
E Her Hengest Æsc gefuhton wið Walas neh Wippedesfleote ðær ofslogon .xii. Wilsce ealdormen, heora an þegn wearð þær ofslegen þam wæs nama Wipped.
H missing
Trans This year Hengest and Esc fought with the Welsh, and took immense Booty. And the Welsh fled from the English like fire.
A Her Hengest Æsc gefuhton wiþ Walas genamon unarimedlico herereaf, þa Walas flugon þa Englan swa þęr fyr.
B Her Hengest Æsc gefuhtan wið Wealas genaman unarimedlicu herereaf, þa Wealas flugan þa Engle swa swa fyr.
C Her Hengest Æsc gefuhton wið Wealas genaman unarimedlicu herereaf, þa Wealas flugan þa Engle swa swa fyr.
D missing
E Her Hengest Æsc gefuhton wið Walas genamon unarimenlicu herereaf., þa Walas flugon þa Englan swiðe þearle.
H missing
Trans This year came Ella to Britain, with his three sons, Cymen, and Wlenking, and Cissa, in three ships; landing at a place that is called Cymenshore [Wythering Close in Bognor Regis in West Sussex]. There they slew many of the Welsh; and some in flight they drove into the wood that is called Andred'sley [ Forest of Anderida, Sussex].
A Her cuom Ęlle on Bretenlond his .iii. suna, Cymen Wlencing Cissa, mid .iii. scipum on þa stowe þe is nemned Cymenesora, þær ofslogon monige Wealas sume on fleame bedrifon on þone wudu þe is genemned Andredesleage.
B Her com Ælle on Brytenland his þry suna, Kymen Wlencing Cissa, mid þrim scipum on þa stowe þe is nemned Kymenesora, þær ofslogan maniga Wealas sume on fleam bedrifan on þone wudu þe is nemned Andredeslea.
C Her com Ælle on Brytenland his þry suna, Kymen Wlencing Cissa, mid þrim scipum on þa stowe þe is genemned Kymenesora, þær ofslogan manige Wealas sume on fleam bedrifan on þæne wudu þe is genemned Andredeslea.
D missing
E Her com Ælle on Brytenland his .iii. suna Cymen Wlencing Cissa. mid .iii. scipum on ða stowe þe is genemnad Cymenesora, þær ofslogon manige Walas sume on fleame bedrifon on þone wudu þe is nemned Andredeslege.
H missing
Trans This year Ella fought with the Welsh nigh Mecred's-Burnsted.
A Her Ęlle gefeaht wiþ Walas neah Mearcrędesburnan stęðe.
B Her Ælle gefeaht wiþ Wealum neh Mearcredesburnanstaðe.
C Her Ælle gefeaht wið Wealum neh Mearcredesburnan stæðe.
D missing
E Her Ælle gefeaht wið Walas neh Mearcredesburnan steðe.
H missing
Trans This year Esc succeeded to the kingdom; and was king of the men of Kent twenty-four winters.
A Her Æsc feng to rice was .xxiiii. wintra Cantwara cyning.  
B Her Æsc feng to rice wæs .xxiiii. wintra Cantwara cing.
C Her Æsc feng to rice wæs .xxiiii. wintra Cantwara cing.
D missing
E Her Æsc feng to rice wæs .xxxiiii. wintra cining.
H missing
Trans 490 This year Ella and Cissa besieged the city of Andred [Pevensey, coast of East Sussex], and slew all that were therein; nor was one Briten left there afterwards.
A Her Ęlle Cissa ymbsæton Andredescester ofslogon alle þa þe þærinne eardedon; ne wearþ þær forþon an Bret to lafe.
B Her Ælle Cissa ymbsætan Andredesceaster ofslogan ealle þa ðe þærinne wæran þæt þær ne wearð furðum an Bryt to lafe.
C Her Ælle Cissa ymbsætan Andredesceaster ofslogan ealle þa ðe þærinne wæran þæt þær ne wearð furþum an Bryt to lafe.
D missing
E Her Ælla Cissa ymbsæton Andredesceaster ofslogon ealle þa ðe þærinne eardedon; ne wearð þær forþen an Brit to lafe.
H missing
Trans This year came two leaders into Britain, Cerdic and Cynric his son, with five ships, at a place that is called Cerdic's-ore. And they fought with the Welsh the same day. Then he died, and his son Cynric succeeded to the government, and held it six and twenty winters. Then he died; and Ceawlin, his son, succeeded, who reigned seventeen years. Then he died; and Ceol succeeded to the government, and reigned five years. When he died, Ceolwulf, his brother, succeeded, and reigned seventeen years. Their kin goeth to Cerdic. 
A Her cuomon twegen aldormen on Bretene, Cerdic Cynric his sunu, mid .v. scipum in þone stede þe is gecueden Cerdicesora þy ilcan dæge gefuhtun wiþ Walum.
B Her coman twegen ealdormen on Brytene, Cerdic Cynric his sunu, mid .v. scipum on þone stede þe is gecweden Cerdicesora, þi ilcan dæge hie gefuhtan wiþ Wealum.
C Her coman twegen ealdormen on Brytene, Cerdic Cynric his sunu, mid .v. scipum on þone stede þe is gecweden Cerdices ora, þi ilcan dæge hie gefuhtan wið Wealum.
D missing
E Her coman twegen ealdormen on Brytene, Certic Cynric his sunu, mid .v. scipum on þone stede þe is gehaten Certicesora, on þam ilcan dæge gefuhton wið Walas.
H missing
501 Gildas, on the Ruin and Conquest of Britain: 24. "For the fire of vengeance, justly kindled by former crimes, spread from sea to sea, fed by the hands of our foes in the east, and did not cease, until, destroying the neighboring towns and lands, it reached the other side of the island, and dipped its red and savage tongue in the western ocean." (Shows how the location is Severn Estuary: 3. "It is enriched by the mouths of two noble rivers, the Thames and the Severn, as it were two arms, by which foreign luxuries were of old imported, and by other streams of less importance.")
Trans This year Porta and his two sons, Beda and Mela, came into Britain, with two ships, at a place called Portsmouth [Longborth]. They soon landed, and slew on the spot a young Briton of very high rank [Geraint].
A Her cuom Port on Bretene his .ii. suna Bieda Mægla mid .ii. scipum on þære stowe þe is gecueden Portesmuþa ofslogon anne giongne brettiscmonnan, swiþe ęþelne monnan.
B Her com Port on Brytene his twegen suna, Bieda Mægla, mid twæm scipum on ðære stowe þe is nemned Portesmuða þær ofslogan anne Bryttiscne man swyþe æþelne.
C Her com Port on Brytene his twegen sunu, Bieda Mægla, mid twam scipum on þære stowe þe is nemned Portesmuþa þær ofslogan anne Brittiscne man swiþe æþelne.
D missing
E Her com Port on Brytene his twegan sunan Bieda Mægla mid .ii. scipum in þære stowe þe is gecweden Portesmuða, sona land namon ofslogon ænne gungne Brytiscne man swiðe æðelne.
H missing
508 See Annales Cambriae for eclipse in 507.
Trans This year Cerdic and Cynric slew a British king, whose name was Natanleod [Ambrosius; since Wilton, the old capital of Wiltshire, lies at the junction of the Nadder and the Wily giving the name to Wiltshire of Nate with Amesbury derived from Ambrosius. (Stonehenge is nearby.) Proceedings_of_the_Philological_Society_1885_v1], and five thousand men with him. After this was the land named Netley [Marsh near Totten, Hampshire], from him, as far as Natanleaga of Cerdeford [North Charford, Hampshire bordering Wiltshire].
A Her Cerdic Cynric ofslogon ænne brettisccyning, þam was nama Natanleod, .v. þusendu wera mid him. Æfter was þæt lond nemned Natanleaga oþ Cerdicesford.
B Her Cerdic Cynric ofslogan anne Bryttiscne cing ðæm wæs nama Natanleod .vm. wera mid him, þa æfter þam wæs þæt land genemned Natanleaga oð Cerdicesford.
C Her Cerdic Cynric ofslogan anne Brittiscne cing þam wæs nama Natanleod .v. wera mid him, þa æfter þam wæs þæt land genemned Natanleag a oð Cerdicesford.
D missing
E Her Certic Cinric ofslogon ænne Bryttiscne cining þam wæs nama Nazaleod .v. þusend wera mid him; æfter þan wæs þet land genemnad Nazanleog a oþ Certicesford.
H missing
Trans This year came the West-Saxons into Britain, with three ships, at the place that is called Cerdic's-ore. And Stuff and Wihtgar fought with the Britons, and put them to flight.
A Her cuomon Westseaxe in Bretene mid .iii. scipum in þa stowe þe is gecueden Cerdicesora, 7 Stuf Wihtgar, 7 fuhton wiþ Brettas hie gefliemdon.
B Her coman Westseaxe on Brytene mid þrim scipum on þa stowe þe is gecweden Cerdiceshora, Stuf Wihtgar gefuhtan wiþ Bryttas hie geflymdan.
C Her coman Westseaxe on Brytene mid þrim scipum on þa stowe þe is gecweden Cerdiceshora, Stuf Wihtgar gefuhtan wið Bryttas hie geflymdan.
D missing
E Her com Westseaxa in Brytene mid þrim scipum in þa stowe ðe is gecweden Certicesora, Stuf Wihtgar fuhton wið Bryttas hi geflemdon.
H missing
519 In 520 Arthur defeats them at the Battle of Badon. (Their battle is being reinterated from 508. )
Trans This year Cerdic and Cynric undertook the government of the West-Saxons; the same year they fought with the Britons at a place now called Charford. From that day have reigned the children of the West-Saxon kings.
A Her Cerdic Cynric Westsexena rice onfengun on þy ilcan geare hie fuhton wiþ Brettas þær mon nu nemneþ Cerdicesford. hand8b: siþþan ricsadan Westsexana cynebearn of þan dæge.
B Her Cerdic Cynric rice onfengan, þy ilcan geare hie gefuhtan wiþ Bryttas þær man nemneð Cerdicesford.
C Her Cerdic Cynric rice onfengan, þy ilcan geare hie gefuhton wið Bryttas þær man nemneþ Cerdicesford.
D missing
E Her Certic Kynric onfengon Westseaxna rice, þi ilcan geare hi gefuhton wið Bryttas ðer man nu nemnað Certicesford; siððan rixadon Westseaxna cynebarn of þam dæge.
H missing
527 Another reinteration of the battle in 508.
Trans This year Cerdic and Cynric fought with the Britons in the place that is called Cerdic's-ley.
A Her Cerdic Cynric fuhton wiþ Brettas in þære stowe þe is gecueden Cerdicesleaga.
B Her Cerdic Cinric fuhtan wiþ Bryttas on ðære stowe ðe is gecweden Cerdicesleag.
C Her Cerdic Cinric fuhtan wið Bryttas on þære stowe þe is gecweden Cerdicesleag.
D missing
E Her Certic Kynric gefuhton wið Brittas on þære stowa ðe is gecweden Certicesford.
H missing
Trans This year Cerdic and Cynric took the isle of Wight, and slew many men in Carisbrook.
A Her Cerdic Cynric genamon Wihte ealond ofslogon feala men on Wihtgarabyrg.
B Her Cerdic Cynric genaman Wihte ealand ofslogan fea men on Wihtgarabyrig.
C Her Cerdic Cynric genaman Wihte ealand ofslogan fea men on Wihtgarabyrig.
D missing
E Her Certic Cynric genaman Wihtland ofslogon feala manna on Wihtgarasbirig.
H missing
Trans This year died Cerdic, the first king of the West- Saxons. Cynric his son succeeded to the government, and reigned afterwards twenty-six winters. And they gave to their two nephews, Stuff and Wihtgar, the whole of the Isle of Wight.
A Her Cerdic forþferde, Cynric his sunu ricsode forþ .xxvi. wintra; hie saldon hiera tuæm nefum Stufe Wihtgare eall Wiehte ealond.
B Her Cerdic forðferde, Cynric his sunu rixode .xxvii. wintra, hie gesealdan heora twam nefum, Stufe Wihtgare, Wihte ealand.
C Her Cerdic forðferde, Cynric his sunu rixode .xxvii. wintra, hie gesealdan heora twam nefum, Stufe Wihtgare, Wihte ealand.
D missing
E Her Certic forþferde, Cynric his sunu rixade forþ .xxvi. wintra, heo sealdon heora twam nefum Stufe Wihtgare eall Wihtland.
H missing
538 Incorrect
Trans This year the sun was eclipsed, fourteen days before the calends of March, from before morning until nine.
A Her sunne aþiestrode .xiiii. dagum ær kalendas Martii from ærmergenne oþ undern.
B Her sunne aðeostrode .xiiii. dagum ær Kalendas Martius fram ærmorgene oþ undern.
C Her sunne aðeostrede .xiiii. dagum ær kalendas Martius fram ærmorgene oþ undern.
D missing
E Her sunne aðestrode on .xiiii. kalendas Martii from ærmorgene oþ underne.
H missing
540 Correct
Trans This year the sun was eclipsed on the twelfth day before the calends of July; and the stars showed themselves full nigh half an hour over nine.
A Her sunne aþiestrode on .xii. kalendas Iulius, steorran hie oðiewdon fulneah healfe tid ofer undern.
B Her sunne aðeostrode on .xii. Kalendas Iulii, steorran hie æteowdan fulneah healfe tid ofer undern.
C Her sunne aþeostrode on .xii. kalendas Iulii , steorran hie æteowdan ful neah healfe tid ofer undern.
D missing
E Her sunne aðeostrode on .xii. kalendas Iulii, steorran heo ætewdon fulneh healfe tid ofer under.
H missing
Trans This year died Wihtgar; and men buried him at Carisbrook.